Every year on the 26th of January many Australians celebrate Australia Day. This national day has become one of the largest celebrated days across the country. It brings everyone close together to celebrate the evolution and civilisation of our country over the decades.
In 1788, Port Jackson was greeted by 11 British ships, also known as the First Fleet. These ships were under the order of Captain Arthur Phillip.
The captain sought to establish a Colony in the New South Wales area around Botany Bay, having been explored by James Cook in 1770.
However, the Colony of New South Wales wasn’t established on the 26th January as everyone assumed. It was actually formally established on the 7th February 1788. It was this date in February when a formal proclamation took place and Arthur Philip’s governorship was read out.
Australia has become a country of such diversity and houses many different cultures and nationalities. We come together to celebrate the rich history of our country and show how proud we are to all be Australian. Happy Australia day Everyone!